"Delicious . . . richly riveting . . . The Vacationers offers all the delights of a fluffy, read-it-with-sunglasses-on-the-beach read, made substantial by the exceptional wit, insight, intelligence and talents of its author."--People (four stars) An...
Los veraneantes nos convierte en voyeurs de las vacaciones de una familia neoyorquina, cuyas vicisitudes contemplamos con algo de perverso deleite, como si se se tratara de una pel cula de Woody Allen. Para los Post, el viaje de dos semanas a Mallorca con su familia y amigos...
C'est l'?t?, New York est une v?ritable fournaise mais Franny Post a tout organis? pour quitter Manhattan avec son mari et sa fille Sylvia. Direction Majorque pour quinze jours de r?ve. Le pr?texte officiel de ces vacances idylliques ? F?ter les trente-cinq ans de mariage du...
For the Posts, a two-week trip to Mallorca with their extended family and friends is a celebration: Franny and Jim are observing their thirty-fifth anniversary, and their daughter, Sylvia, has graduated from high school. The sunlit island, with its mountains, beaches, tapas,...