Teenage Varis, the Mistress of Amenkor, has managed to save her city from an attack by the deadly and powerful Chorl. Amenkor lay in ruins. The Skewed Throne sits cracked and useless. Its power is dead. But their troubles with the blue-skinned, magic wielding Chorl are far from over. After the destruction of the Chorl's High Priestest, known as the Ochean, the invaders begin a well-calculated plan to take over the nearby...
I'm extremely busy with work etc.., who isn't? Haven't been able to sit down and finish a book in a loooong time picked up "Vacant Throne at my local library and I really did not want to stop reading. I have not read the previous books of this series but this story does well on its own. I love any type of genre, fantasy, scifi... that involves a strong female character. "Vacant Throne" is exciting and an excellent read!
I read this whole entire book in one day!!! And you know what it didn't disappoint me. Varis has managed to save her city, but not without some extensive damage. She has managed to believe in her abilities both magical and leadership wise. The only thing that bugged me some what was the lack of details when it came to describing the other cities and ports outside of Amenkor. But that was just a minor blip on the whole thing...
This book is the third fantasy in a series, and would benefit from reading the first 2 in series. The main character, Varis, who is now the Mistress of Amenkor, is facing the difficult recovery of her city from a deadly, barely repulsed, invasion of the Chorl. Facing the threat of the Chorl coming back, Varis and others want to improve Amenkor's defenses, as well as help other coastal cities prepare for the inevitable fight,...
The Chorl unprovoked assault almost destroyed Amenkor. The nation's ruler Varis had to employ a desperate ploy to save her people. However, by destroying THE SKEWED THRONE, Varis insured Amenkor defeated the invaders. However, the cost of the war has left her country in a devastating state as much of the nation lies in ruins with starvation a real probability and nothing left to defend against another Chorl invasion. Varis...