As a loyal CIS fan, Confessions of a Medical Examiner takes the reader into the fascinating and real world of forensic science. What takes 40 minutes to solve on television in reality can take days, weeks, months and sometimes never. Michael Baden gives terrific insigt into the life and career of a medical examiner, who, unlike a hospital pathologist, autopies for three kinds of unnatural deaths - suicides, homicides and...
I believe Dr.Baden is one of the most insightful Forensic Pathologists in the world today.If his expertise had been utilized during the Kennedy assassination era,we would probably know for certain who actually pulled the trigger.
The book doesn't just talk about dead bodies - it talks about the circumstances surrounding dead bodies and gives us a better understanding of what really happened. The book explains things in layman terms to the average reader, making it easy to comprehend and follow. I found the book to be thorough and matter-of-fact.The book points out different M.E. customs, especially in different countries, which explains how the actual...
A great book!! One of my all time favorites that easily explains complex situations and extremely compilcated medical jargon into a everyday conversation!! Great stories!! Mr Baden has a gift for allowing the reader to understand the trumatic events and terrible crimes we human- beings inflict on one another! Understanding the forensics science involved can surely overwhelm the common individual but not in this book as...