Heath wanted to be a goatherd. He dreamed of shepherding the fire-breathing goats of death. The goats would burn the world to ash, given the chance, but the goatherd clans would not let them. Heath dreamed of mastering the reed pipes needed to control the goats, but the pyromaniacal beasts would not listen. Heath studied and practiced, but all he was good for was shoveling the dung.
Chardonnay was a reed-pipe master from a rival clan. He wanted to transform what reed-pipe music could be. There was love. There was beauty. There was more than unfeeling control. Chardonnay's clan disagreed.
A chance encounter would bring Heath and Chardonnay together. Heath would find the heart and soul of the music. Chardonnay would find an eager student. Their worlds would never be the same.
(Hardcover has color illustrations)