It's hard to stay ordinary when you have the power to reshape the world...
After a lifetime of cruel treatment for his illness, his strangeness, his sensitivities, all Jaime wants is to be ordinary. Unfortunately he's heir to a magical legacy with the power to reshape the world. Or so says the most extraordinary man he's ever met.
A member of the Royal Society of Magisters, Lord Adrian Lear is charming, persistent, and thoroughly convinced that Jaime is a water-worker, able to bend the element to his will, to use as a tool or weapon. A fact too strange for Jaime to believe, yet when their lives are put in danger by Lear's age-old enemy, Jaime's untested power may be the only hope they have to survive.
The Untouchable Sky is the first book in The Tales of Elsewhen, a new Gaslamp Fantasy universe where myth, monsters, and magic collide