In the dark, magical world of West Borough, Meg Thorne has tamed the wild spirit of the land and connected deeply with its magic. But when a gruesome murder rocks the wealthy Unseen creatures, Meg must embrace her powers to help her mentor, Seberon Wilde, solve the case before the situation spirals out of control.
As Meg's connection to magic strengthens, she also finds herself drawn to the mysterious Raven Lord, Bran HuMun. But being a magician is no easy feat, and Meg struggles to understand her responsibilities and powers. Meanwhile, the murder investigation leads Seberon to face off against the dangerous politician, Mr. Block, and dark magician, Charles Vex, who are using the crime to fuel their anti-magic agenda.
With the Wheel Road on the brink of a civil war between New Magic and the Seen creatures, Seberon may need Meg's help more than ever. As the stakes get higher and the danger increases, Meg and Seberon must use all their cunning and abilities to uncover the truth and prevent chaos from engulfing West Borough.
Experience a thrilling ride of magic and mystery in this gripping novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. A mystery and a fantasy, in the style of Labyrinth and NeverWhere, The Unseen Mystery carries on Meg's adventures as she struggles to balance what it is to be a magician and what it means to be true to herself.