A New York Review Books Original One of Honor de Balzac's most celebrated tales, "The Unknown Masterpiece" is the story of a painter who, depending on one's perspective, is either an abject failure or a transcendental genius--or both. The story, which has served as an inspiration...
A New York Review Books Original One of Honor de Balzac's most celebrated tales, "The Unknown Masterpiece" is the story of a painter who, depending on one's perspective, is either an abject failure or a transcendental genius--or both. The story, which has served as an inspiration...
The Unknown Masterpiece is a novella by French author Honore de Balzac. The story follows the character of Frenhofer, an aging artist who has spent his life working on a single painting. Frenhofer believes that his painting is a masterpiece, but when he shows it to his friends...
HONOR DE BALZAC Francia 1799 - 1850
The Unknown Masterpiece Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu] Honor de Balzac Translated by Ellen Marriage Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu (English "The Unknown Masterpiece") is a short story by Honor de Balzac. It was first published in the newspaper L'Artiste...
Le jeune Nicolas Poussin, encore inconnu, rend visite au peintre Porbus dans son atelier. Il est accompagn du vieux matre Frenhofer, qui met de savants commentaires sur le grand tableau que Porbus vient de terminer. Il s'agit de Marie l'gyptienne, dont Frenhofer fait l'loge,...
Le jeune Nicolas Poussin, encore inconnu, rend visite au peintre Porbus dans son atelier. Il est accompagn du vieux ma tre Frenhofer, qui met de savants commentaires sur le grand tableau que Porbus vient de terminer. Il s'agit de Marie l' gyptienne, dont Frenhofer fait l' loge,...
Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu constitue une r flexion sur l'art. Incipit: Vers la fin de l'ann e 1612, par une froide matin e de d cembre, un jeune homme dont le v tement tait de tr s mince apparence, se promenait devant la porte d'une maison situ e rue des Grands-Augustins, Paris...
A New York Review Books OriginalOne of Honor? de Balzac's most celebrated tales, "The Unknown Masterpiece" is the story of a painter who, depending on one's perspective, is either an abject failure or a transcendental genius-or both. The story, which has served as an inspiration...
On a cold December morning in the year 1612, a young man, whose clothing was somewhat of the thinnest, was walking to and fro before a gateway in the Rue des GrandsAugustins in Paris. He went up and down the street before this house with the irresolution of a gallant who dares...
The Unknown Masterpiece - Le Chef-d'oeuvre - inconnu - Honor de Balzac - Translated by Ellen Marriage - Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu (English "The Unknown Masterpiece") is a short story by Honore de Balzac. It was first published in the newspaper L'Artiste with the title "Maitre...
Venez d couvrir Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu de Balzac gr ce une analyse litt raire de r f rence crite par un sp cialiste universitaire, cette fiche de lecture est recommand e par de nombreux enseignants. Cet ouvrage contient la biographie de l' crivain, le r sum d taill ,...
Venez d couvrir Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu de Balzac gr ce une analyse litt raire de r f rence crite par un sp cialiste universitaire, cette fiche de lecture est recommand e par de nombreux enseignants. Cet ouvrage contient la biographie de l' crivain, le r sum d taill ,...
Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu is a short story by Honor de Balzac. It was first published in the newspaper L'Artiste with the title "Ma tre Frenhofer" in August 1831. It appeared again later in the same year under the title "Catherine Lescault, conte fantastique.