This book is about Human body and main ultimate goal in universe. Most of humanity rightly believes that our Ultimate
Goal is Happiness. Everybody wants to be happy, but
unfortunately, not everybody is. We live with the sole
purpose of doing things that can put a smile on our
face. There are some who just exist, they drag
through life. It seems like their life has no meaning,
no purpose, and no goal. We all come into this world,
live for about 5 to 10 decades and then depart. Very
few really stop to nd out what is our true purpose.
There are some who feel that they have discovered
the secret that the goal of life is not just to be happy,
but to make others happy too! Is this true?
Can we be happy all the time? While we all experience
pleasure and joy, each one of us suffers misery and
pain. We live with stress, fear, worry, anger and anxiety
and this seems to be part of the life fabric that we are
woven into. While we seek pleasure and shun pain, it
seems that there is no way to escape from misery. Very
rarely do we nd people who make this their Ultimate
Goal, not just to enjoy bouts of happiness, but to
achieve the state of Everlasting Peace and Eternal Joy
without clouds of negativity spoiling their bright sky.
The most common way people try to achieve this
Ultimate Goal of Happiness is through success and