This is an excellent introduction to multigenre papers, and Romano is kind of the multigenre guru, so it's a great source. This book is relatively short, it offers 4-5 excellent and varied examples of multigenre papers, it offers lots of genre ideas and strategies for practicing them, and it offers an overview of the multigenre philosophy. I'd say this is a must for anyone asking students to create multigenre projects, but...
The book arrived quickly after ordering and was in the condition listed. I was very pleased.
I love this book and have decided to base my Masters Project on this concept. Tom Romano gives such clear and concise examples and information that this book is such an easy, but very imformative read. There are several whole multigenre papers that are printed in their original form in the book that I found very helpful in explaining what forms these papers might take.
I love the way this book redesigns the creative sense of writing. To think that a college paper can utilize 6-12 different genres to represent one wholistic them is brilliant!
This latest book by Romano provides yet another way to incorporate writing into the classroom. He briefly touched upon the mulit-genre paper in his Writing with Passion book, but fully expands the ideas in this book. This book is helpful for those who have not used the mulit-genre paper. (Sharon Draper's Tears of a Tiger is a great example of a multi-genre book.) Included in the back of the book is a reference list...
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