While there is a wide range of diets that are practiced in the Mediterranean, it is believed that the version of the diet that is studied in America comes from the way people ate in Italy and Greece.
The notion diet first came from a nutritionist that went by the name, Ancel Keys. He was credited for developing "K rations" for the American military. K-rations were individual daily combat food given to United States Army during World War Two. Originally, these were individually packaged rations used for short durations.
As time went on, Keys noted that the men who ate a traditional Cretan diet in the mountains of Crete had low rates of cancer, heart disease, and typically lived longer compared to other individuals.
With this in mind, he decided to institute a fifteen-year study over seven nations to see how regional diets affected mortality and disease rates. In this time, he looked at the United States, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Finland, and Greece.
At the conclusion of this study, it was decided that the Mediterranean Diet had lower rates of death.
Interestingly enough, these regions did not have lower cholesterol levels compared to other countries. He attributed this to the fact that Mediterranean counties consumed lower levels of saturated fats and less dairy. On top of this, these regions also consumed higher rates of vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
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