The Typewriter Keeps Me Awake At Night A collection of poems written by Marcel Feldmar
Cover Photo taken at The Napoleon House, in New Orleans.
Other interior photographs by Shelley Venemann
A Peabo Productions Publication
Marcel Feldmar's poetry deals with various views through different shaped windows. Dealing with themes of light and dark, death and life, love and loss, as well as the occasional lighthearted observations, Marcel references music, alcohol, travel, and literature with a Gothic romanticism and a surreal wink.
From traveling through the Whiskey trees to finding a home in an exit sign, Marcel picks up unusual images and finds perfect places to fit them in
Some of his poetry can be held within the palm of your hand, like the four line snapshot "Quick Fix", while others, like the five page drift of "This Dream Is Still Waiting" moves like a quiet ocean.
Shelley Venemann has added a visual poetry to these pages with singular snapshots that can sometimes be worth even more than a thousand words.
from New Orleans to Chicago to Prague to Savannah to Hawaii, Shelley captures moments that expand beyond the confines of the frame.
For those of you looking for the Artspeak; Shelley's vision complements Marcel's textual imagery in a surreal juxtaposition of form and delight that will transpose the mundane reality of flat exposition into a new dimensional space.
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