Bestselling authors Gary Smalley and John Trent suggest that family intimacy is limited by the human tendency to be either too hard (authoritative, insensitive) or too soft (emotional); and that to achieve greater family intimacy, it's necessary to discover the medium between...
Una gu a para hallar el balance adecuado entre los aspectos fuertes y tiernos del amor.
Depending on our basic personality type, we all tend to be either too hard or too soft in our relationships with those we love the most. "The Two Sides of Love" will change that Best-selling authors and family experts Gary Smalley and John Trent explain how to find a healthy...
Este libro, Los dos lados del amor, nos ense a c mo avanzar hacia un amor sin reservas que habr de enriquecer todas nuestras relaciones. Gary Smalley, presidente de Today's Family en Branson, Missouri, tiene una licenciatura en psicolog a y una maestr a del Seminario Bethel...
Depending on our basic personality type, we all tend to be either too hard or too soft in our relationships with those we love the most. The Two Sides of Love will change that! Best-selling authors and family experts Gary Smalley and John Trent explain how to find a healthy balance...
Depending on our basic personality type, we all tend to be either too hard or too soft in our relationships with those we love the most. The Two Sides of Love will change that! Best-selling authors and family experts Gary Smalley and John Trent explain how to find a healthy balance...