The Twelfth Insight, the long-awaited fourth book in the beloved Celestine Series, offers readers new and profound spiritual wisdom. In this installment of the Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his close friend Wil, who have just received a portion...
On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Many see it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight , the long-awaited fourth book in the beloved Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his close friend Wil. They have just received a portion of another...
On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Many see it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight , the long-awaited fourth book in the beloved Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his close friend Wil. They have just received a portion of another...
The Twelfth Insight is the fourth book in the hugely successful Celestine series. It is an adventure tale that is both suspenseful and contemplative, and builds on the insights introduced in Redfield's previous books. It describes a new wave of tolerance and integrity that...
On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Many see it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight, the long-awaited fourth book in the beloved Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his close friend Wil. They have just received...