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From the Elmore Leonard book, Quentin Tarantino is the best filmaker to take his work and turn it into the perfect movie that it is. Leonard's book was already good, but Tarantino understood how you need the extras in the story to make it great and the movie does all of that and more!
This is a great screenplay you wont wan't to put it down. Elmore Lenord does it again, you can't wait for the end, but you don't wan't the book to stop.
The screenplay to Jackie Brown is much like Tarantino's critically acclaimed movie "Resevoir Dogs" The screenplay itself follows the same pattern as "Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction" but is an easier read because of the simplicity of its characters. A stewardess, a beach bum, A freshly out of jail pot smoker(played very well by Dinero in the movie) a bondsman and the usual Samuel L. Jackson character who fits into almost every character...
Why this wasn't well recieved i have no idea but qt is the most naturally talented screenwriter since Robert Towne. He seems to good to be true - however i saw him in wait until dark, and he does, in fact, exist.