In the two decades since a tragic "accident" took the lives of his parents, Oliver Sharpe, the Marquess of Stoneville, has lived as an unrepentant rakehell. And with his grandmother vowing to disinherit him if he doesn't settle down and wed, he plans to fulfill the bargain in...
Discover the roguishly handsome Sharpe siblings in the sparkling Hellions of Hallstead Hall series from New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries. Oliver Sharpe, the Marquess of Stoneville, has been London's most notorious rake for years...
Discover the roguishly handsome Sharpe siblings in the sparkling Hellions of Hallstead Hall series from New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries. Oliver Sharpe, the Marquess of Stoneville, has been London's most notorious rake for years. Fed up...
Discover the roguishly handsome Sharpe siblings in the sparkling Hellions of Hallstead Hall series from New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries. Oliver Sharpe, the Marquess of Stoneville, has been London's most notorious rake for years. Fed up...