All of these poems were selected (trawled) from the Gloucestershire Poetry Society (GPS) group Facebook page. The first GPS anthology, The Trawler 2020, was a great success; enabling promising poets to publish their work for the first time. So, we repeated the process, and here are a further ninety-five poems (posted between June 2020 and May 2021) by sixty different poets. As before, some of the poems are rough diamonds, in need of some polishing but they are of sufficient worth to be included within these pages. Many of the poems are first drafts, but each poem has an element: a style, a voice; or some content or passion that caught us as we read.
We hope you'll enjoy these poems which were penned and posted with an enthusiasm for the written word. The poets hail from all parts of Britain as well as from France and the Netherlands - some from as far away as Tasmania, Australia, India, Togo and the US.
Adele Ojier Jones, Akon Nouhry, Alby Stockley, Annalisa Jackson, Ann-Marie kurylak, Ann D Stevenson, Becky Who, Ben Poppy, Brian Reid, Carol Sheppard, Catrice Greer, Charlie Markwick, Chlo? Jacquet, Chris Barber, Clare Walters, Clive Oseman, Darryl John, Derek Dohren, Devlin Wilson, DrayZera, Drea MacMillan, Franchesa Kirkpatrick, Gabby Wiest, Gemma Crow, Ian Paulin, Isobel May, Ivor Daniel, Jason Conway, John Aubry, Jonathan Robert Muirhead, Josephine Lay, Julian Roger Horsfield, Katherine Grace Hyslop, Kay Hamblin, Kelly Owen, Keren Hermon, Kezzabelle Ambler, Kuma San, Laura Grevel, Lacey Tidwell, Lucia Daramus, Marilyn Timms, Darcy Royce, Matty Blades, Morgan 'I'm-not-a-poet' Rye, Nick Lovell, Nupur Chakrabarty, Polly Stratton, Richard Adkins, Robert Lang, Scott Cowley, Simon Townsend, Sue Finch, Sue Winspear, Tish Camp, Tom Cooke, Trevor Valentine, Unknown (c. 17th century), Valerie Hartill, Viva O'Flynn
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