The Thunder Bird, ' written by B. M. Bower, is an exhilarating Western novel that transports readers to the rugged and untamed landscapes of Montana. This captivating story revolves around Dale, a young cowboy with a mysterious past, and his encounter with the mythical Thunder...
"The Thunder Bird" from Bertha Muzzy Bower. American author who wrote novels, fictional short stories, and screenplays (1871 - 1940).
The Thunder Bird is a novel written by B. M. Bower and published in 1919. The story is set in the American West and follows the life of a young man named Bud Birnie, who is trying to make a living as a rancher. Bud is determined to succeed despite the odds against him, including...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"The Thunder Bird" from B. M. Bower. American author (1871-1940).
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections
such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact,
or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe...
The Thunder Bird is a novel written by B.M. Bower and published in 1919. The story is set in the American West and revolves around a young woman named Ruth, who inherits a ranch from her father after his sudden death. Ruth is determined to make a success of the ranch, but she...
Bertha Muzzy Sinclair or Sinclair-Cowan, n e Muzzy (November 15, 1871 - July 23, 1940), best known by her pseudonym B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels and fictional short stories about the American Old West.
Bertha Muzzy Sinclair or Sinclair-Cowan, n e Muzzy (November 15, 1871 - July 23, 1940), best known by her pseudonym B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels and fictional short stories about the American Old West.
Bertha Muzzy Sinclair or Sinclair-Cowan, n e Muzzy (November 15, 1871 - July 23, 1940), best known by her pseudonym B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels and fictional short stories about the American Old West.
Bertha Muzzy Sinclair or Sinclair-Cowan, n e Muzzy (November 15, 1871 - July 23, 1940), best known by her pseudonym B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels and fictional short stories about the American Old West.
The "Thunder Bird" is a sequel of Johnny Jewel's story and it looks like our heroes didn't learn their lessons, as Johnny seems more stubborn and Mary V more spoiled. Johnny is determined to pay his debt before going back to the ranch and to Mary V, but this time his affairs...
Since Life is no more than a series of achievements and failures, this story is going to begin exactly where the teller of tales usually stops. It is going to begin with Johnny Jewel an accepted lover and with one of his dearest ambitions realized. It is going to begin there...