Who is Jesus? In The Third Jesus , Deepak Chopra provides an answer that is both uplifting and challenging to current beliefs. There is not one Jesus, Chopra writes, but three. The first is the historical Jesus, the man of flesh and blood who lived more than two thousand years...
En El tercer Jes?s, Deepak Chopra, el l?der espiritual y autor de grandes ?xitos literarios, nos da una respuesta que, adem?s de edificante, desaf?a las creencias actuales y da una perspectiva nueva de lo que Jes?s puede ense?arnos a todos. No hay un solo Jes?s, escribe Chopra,...
En El tercer Jes?s, Deepak Chopra, el l?der espiritual y autor de grandes ?xitos literarios, nos da una respuesta que, adem?s de edificante, desaf?a las creencias actuales y da una perspectiva nueva de lo que Jes?s puede ense?arnos a todos. No hay un solo Jes?s, escribe Chopra,...
In this dazzling book, one of the most influential spiritual thinkers of our time provides an answer that is as challenging as it is uplifting. Deepak Chopra searches for the Christ who stands at the heart of Christianity and discovers the identity of Jesus is threefold.