So why are we talking about the 10 Commandments? For many, the first reaction is that it belongs to the Law of Moses and, therefore, should be viewed as outdated, archaic and even obsolete. It is, however, because we have forsaken the 10 Commandments and misunderstood still the importance of God's commandments that we sit with a Church that has become lawless, lacks the fear of God, and shows trends of rebellion, carnality and sin. Sadly, and to our detriment, we no longer regard His laws and commandments as being valid or important. While grace has indeed saved us and we grow from glory to glory by the Spirit because of grace, we at the same time cannot be a people who can live as we please. Simply put, the 10 Commandments teach us to apply to the two greatest commandments as taught by Jesus. In this study, one will discover the principles of the commandments still apply today, are relevant and of great importance. It does not bind us to the Law of Moses, but rather to the heart of God who is pure and holy.