The Tale of Peter Rabbit is the original classic by Beatrix Potter. The Tale of Peter Rabbit was first published by Frederick Warne in 1902 and endures as Beatrix Potter's most popular and well-loved tale. It tells the story of a very mischievous rabbit and the trouble he encounters...
"Now run along, and don't get into mischief," Mrs. Rabbit tells her bunnies. But frisky Peter runs straight to Mr.. McGregor's tasty garden and sneaks under the gate This beloved classic is once again available in an 8x8 format, now with beautifully remastered artwork.
Why buy our paperbacks? Standard Font size of 10 for all books High Quality Paper Fulfilled by Amazon Expedited shipping 30 Days Money Back Guarantee BEWARE of Low-quality sellers Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding...
"The Tale of Peter Rabbit", "The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies", "The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit" written by Beatrix Potter are here presented for the first time translated into the language of Old English or Anglo-Saxon in this short collection of timeless children's tales.
Diese spannende Jagd nach dem kleinen Hasen Peter - geschm?ckt mit den liebevollen Aquarellen der K?nstlerin - ist heute ein Kinderbuch, der nichts von seinem Zauber eingeb??t hat. Pressestimmen "Es gibt B?cher, die kleinen und gro?en Lesern immer wieder gleich viel Freude machen...
2012 marks 110 years since Warne published The Tale of Peter Rabbit . In celebration, we are publishing limited editions of twelve classic tales with colorful covers, special endpapers, and notes explaining the history behind each book. The Tale of Peter Rabbit is the tale of...
Beatrix Potter's classic Peter Rabbit story returns in board book format Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were-- Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. The classic children's book, originally published in 1902 in hardcover, is now available in...
The Tale of Peter Rabbit in Latin.