The Survivor is a novel written by Edward Phillips Oppenheim and originally published in 1913. The story follows the life of a young man named Robert Holt, who is the sole survivor of a shipwreck that claimed the lives of his entire family. Holt is rescued by a passing ship and...
The Survivor is a novel written by Edward Phillips Oppenheim and published in 1913. The story revolves around a man named Edward Royle, who is the sole survivor of a shipwreck in the South Pacific. Royle is rescued by a passing ship and returns to England, where he becomes the...
Edward Phillips Oppenheim (22 October 1866 - 3 February 1946) was an English novelist, a prolific writer of best-selling genre fiction, featuring glamorous characters, international intrigue and fast action. Notably easy to read, they were viewed as popular entertainments...
A powerful love tale from 1913 written by E. Phillips Oppenheim about the struggle of a young Englishman. The narrative is based on Douglas Guest, an orphan who was raised in the North of England by his strict, pious, and unyielding uncle, Gideon Strong. He is ordered by his...
Douglas Guest is an orphan raised in the North of England by his harsh, devout, and unyielding uncle, Gideon Strong. His uncle urges him to marry his cousin and become a clergyman in their little town, but he refuses, steals money intended for his studies, and flees to London.On...