What are you and your family going to do after a collapse of society when there are no doctors and medications available, and the pharmacies and hospitals have been looted? You can prepare for every disaster scenario, but if you are not able to treat medical emergencies and injuries that arise, how long will you last? This book will teach you everything you need to know to keep you and your loved ones healthy. ALWAYS BE PREPARED! Praise for practical doomsday medicine: "This guide is the easiest to understand, most concise reference for the real end of the world scenario medical dangers. Even if we never face a true doomsday event, the information contained here will be of good everyday use, too." - Ken B., member of the Rawlin's Doomsday Preppers Group. In a true doomsday scenario event, you are your family's first line of care. When 911 is no longer an option, you will have to be the medical professional for your family in any situation. If the grid goes down, we face a chemical or biological attack, or simply survive a Hurricane, everyone should know how to care for medical emergencies.