In the future, in a place called Satellite City, fourteen-year-old Cosmo Hill enters the world, unwanted by his parents. He's sent to the Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys. Freight class. Eoin Colfer has created an eerie and captivating world - part Blade...
Eoin Colfer is the internationally bestselling author of the Artemis Fowl series. The Supernaturalist is Eoin's vision of a dystopian future where life is short and danger is always near for ages 7-12.
In the future, in a place called Satelite City, fourteen-year-old Cosmo Hill enters the world, unwanted by his parents. He's sent to the Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys, Freight class. At Clarissa Frayne, the boys are put to work by the state, testing...
Unwanted by his parents, Cosmo Hill is put to work by the state, testing highly dangerous products. Cosmo realizes he must get away, and escapes with the help of the Supernaturalists, a group of kids who have the same special abilities as Cosmo--they can see supernatural...
In futuristic Satellite City, 14-year-old Cosmo teams up with three other people who share his ability to see supernatural creatures. They determine the nature and purpose of swarming blue Parasites plaguing the city.