Embark on a voyage that sails from the British Isles to far-flung colonies and territories. Navigate through wars, treaties, and explorations that extended Britain's reach from Africa to the Americas, from Asia to Australia. M. B. Synge's narrative makes the...
Book IV in The Story of the World series, by M. B. Synge, "The Struggle for Sea Power" focuses on the age of empire and world colonization. The histories of European colonies in America, Australia, South Africa, and India are related. Also covered are the Revolution in America,...
Embark on a voyage that sails from the British Isles to far-flung colonies and territories. Navigate through wars, treaties, and explorations that extended Britain's reach from Africa to the Americas, from Asia to Australia. M. B. Synge's narrative makes the...
The Struggle for Sea Power is the fourth book in M. B. Synge's engaging Story of the Worlds series. This edition focuses on the age of European Empires and world colonization in America, Australia, South Africa, and India. Synge also covers the American and French Revolutions,...
Margaret Bertha Synge (1861-1939) was a British author of books for children at the end of the nineteenthand beginning of the twentieth-century. Her works include: Cook (TM)s Voyages (1892), The Story of Scotland (1896), A Child of the Mews (1897), A Book of Scottish Poetry...
The Struggle For Sea Power is a historical book written by Margaret Bertha Synge in 1903. The book is a comprehensive account of the naval history of England and its struggle to maintain its sea power against rival nations. The author traces the evolution of naval technology...
The Struggle For Sea Power is a historical book written by Margaret Bertha Synge and published in 1903. The book covers the history of sea power from ancient times to the early 20th century. It explores the rise and fall of various sea powers throughout history, including the...
The Struggle For Sea Power is a historical book written by Margaret Bertha Synge and published in 1903. The book focuses on the history of sea power, exploring the various struggles that have occurred throughout history to gain and maintain control of the world's oceans. Synge...
The Struggle For Sea Power is a historical book written by Margaret Bertha Synge and published in 1903. The book explores the history of naval warfare from ancient times to the early 20th century, with a focus on the struggle for dominance of the seas between various nations...