The Strong Hours is a novel written by Maud Diver and published in 1919. The story revolves around the life of a young woman named Joan Carthew, who is left alone in the world after the death of her parents. She is forced to make her own way in the world, and she finds herself...
The Strong Hours is a novel by Maud Diver, published in 1919. The book is set in India and tells the story of two women, one British and one Indian, who form a deep and lasting friendship despite the cultural and societal barriers that separate them. The British woman, Muriel,...
This novel centers around a woman named Marcia Ashley, whose respectable life as the wife of a British colonel is turned upside-down when an old flame re-enters her life. Through vividly drawn characters and lush descriptions of India, the author explores themes of love, duty,...
This novel centers around a woman named Marcia Ashley, whose respectable life as the wife of a British colonel is turned upside-down when an old flame re-enters her life. Through vividly drawn characters and lush descriptions of India, the author explores themes of love, duty,...