The Story of Sonny Sahib is a novel written by Mrs. Everard Cotes, also known by her pen name, Sara Jeannette Duncan. The book is set in colonial India during the late 19th century and follows the story of Sonny Sahib, a young Indian boy who is sent to England for his education...
"The Story of Sonny Sahib" from Sara Jeannette Duncan. Canadian author and journalist (1861-1922).
In 1886, Sara Jeannette Duncan made history as the first woman to be hired as a professional journalist in Canada, taking a regular position at the Toronto Globe, now the Globe and Mail. She later moved to the Montreal Star, where she was the paper's Parliamentary correspondent...
The Story of Sonny Sahib by Sara Jeannette Duncan. In 1886, she made history as the first woman to be hired as a professional journalist in Canada, taking a regular position at the Toronto Globe, now the Globe and Mail. She later moved to the Montreal Star, where she was the...