The Story of Scotland Yard is a comprehensive historical account of the world-renowned London Metropolitan Police Service, commonly known as Scotland Yard. Written by Sir Basil Thomson, a former Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard, the book traces the origins and evolution...
The Story of Scotland Yard is a historical account of the famous police force that has been responsible for maintaining law and order in London since 1829. Written by Sir Basil Thomson, a former Chief of the Metropolitan Police, the book traces the history of Scotland Yard from...
""The Story of Scotland Yard"" by Sir Basil Thomson is a comprehensive and detailed account of the history of the Metropolitan Police Service, commonly known as Scotland Yard. The book covers the origins of the police force in London, including the Bow Street Runners and the...
""The Story of Scotland Yard"" is a comprehensive historical account of the world-renowned police force of London, England. Written by Sir Basil Thomson, a former Director of Intelligence at Scotland Yard, the book covers the origins of the force in the 19th century, its development...