One of the greatest services that a person can do in his lifetime is to provide services to mankind. It is said that the service of mankind is the service of God. Humans come and go, but their great deeds are always remembered and have a lasting effect on the minds of others. Fortunately, our nation is truly blessed by some great men and women who are famous for their humanity and their service: Mahatma Gandhi, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Mother Teresa, Baba Amate ..... just to name a few. In modern India and in old India we have some men and women who have sacrificed their lives to serve others, to serve humanity. We are all aware of the brave men and women who brought independence to our country on August 15, 1947. It is equally important for us to know the new and old unfamiliar heroes of our country who have influenced and are influencing thousands of our lives, changing our thinking and doing it. Making India a truly better place for you and me, it is our duty to know those who have achieved great things and have taken our country forward and are going.
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