Ping is a spirited little duck who lives on the Yangtze River. One night, to avoid a spanking for being the last duck home, Ping stays out all night and explores the world. His funny misadventures will delight young readers today as much as they did in 1933, when this classic...
"Kurt Wiese and Majorie Flack have created in Ping a duckling of great individuality against a background (the Yangtze River) that has both accuracy and charm." -- The New York Times
Since 1933, The Story About Ping has captivated generations of readers, but never before has it been available in a mass-market paperback format. No one can deny the appeal of the book's hero, Ping, the spirited little duck who lives on a boat on the Yangtze River. Ping's misadventures...
A childhood classic about a duckling named Ping who lived along the Yangtze River.