"The Stokesley Secret", by Charlotte Mary Yonge was an english novelist (1823-1901).
The Stokesley Secret is a novel written by Charlotte M. Yonge. The story revolves around the life of a young girl named Margaret, who is thrown into a world of mystery and intrigue after she discovers a secret about her family's past. Margaret's father, a wealthy businessman,...
This edition of The Stokesley Secret by Charlotte M. Yonge is given by Ashed Phoenix - Million Book Edition
Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901), was an English novelist, known for her huge output. She was devoted to the Church of England, and much influenced by John Keble, a near neighbour and one of the leaders of the Oxford Movement. Her novels reflected the values and concerns of Anglo-Catholicism...
The Stokesley Secret is a novel written by Charlotte M. Yonge. The story revolves around the life of a young girl named Ethel May. She is the daughter of a wealthy family and lives in the small town of Stokesley. Ethel May is a curious and adventurous girl who loves to explore...
"How can a pig pay the rent?" The question seemed to have been long under consideration, to judge by the manner in which it came out of the pouting lips of that sturdy young five-year-old gentleman, David Merrifield, as he sat on a volume of the great Latin Dictionary to raise...