The Squire's Daughter: A Tragedy, In Five Acts is a play written by Andrew Park and published in 1846. The story revolves around the character of Lucy, the daughter of a wealthy squire who falls in love with a poor farmer named William. Despite her father's objections, Lucy marries...
The Squire's Daughter: A Tragedy, In Five Acts is a play written by Andrew Park and published in 1846. The story revolves around the life of a young woman named Ellen, who is the daughter of a wealthy squire. Ellen falls in love with a poor farmer named William, but her father...
The Squire's Daughter: A Tragedy, In Five Acts is a play written by Andrew Park and originally published in 1846. The story is set in rural England and follows the tragic fate of a young woman named Ellen, who is the daughter of a wealthy squire. Ellen is in love with a poor...