The Spoilers is a novel written by Edwin William Pugh and first published in 1906. The story is set in the Alaskan gold rush of the late 19th century and follows the lives of several characters as they struggle to strike it rich in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness. The main...
The Spoilers is a novel written by Edwin William Pugh and published in 1906. Set in the gold rush era of Alaska, the story revolves around the conflict between two groups of men who are vying for control of a gold mine. One group consists of the corrupt politicians and businessmen...
The Spoilers is a novel written by Edwin William Pugh in 1906. Set in the late 19th century during the Klondike Gold Rush, the story revolves around a group of corrupt politicians and businessmen who seek to exploit the gold-mining industry for their own gain. The main character,...