Is it time to take your spiritual pulse, re-orient yourself to your Creator, and seek His guidance to live your faith more seriously? The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola outline the rigorous self-examination and spiritual meditations St. Ignatius set forth. Readers...
In this unique handbook of Christian literature, the founder of the Jesuits offers a way of "raising the mind and heart to God." Saint Ignatius of Loyola avoids setting a formula for prayer, providing readers with an extensive variety of meditative themes. Although originally...
El libro de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola es una obra cl?sica de la literatura espiritual cristiana. Fue escrita por San Ignacio en el siglo XVI y ha sido utilizada como una gu?a para la oraci?n y la meditaci?n durante m?s de 400 a?os. El libro se divide...
Los Ejercicios espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola son meditaciones, oraciones y ejercicios mentales pensados para ser realizados en un periodo de cuatro semanas o 28 d?as. Fueron escritos por San Ignacio para aumentar la vivencia de la f? cat?lica, como ?l mismo explica:"Por...
In this unique handbook of Christian literature, the founder of the Jesuits offers a way of ""raising the mind and heart to God."" Saint Ignatius of Loyola avoids setting a formula for prayer, providing readers with an extensive variety of meditative themes. Although originally...
Ejercicios espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola. Un documento indispensable en la biblioteca de un católico y recomendable para cualquier cristiano. Una invaluable ayuda para la perfección espiritual, fruto de la potente capacidad intelectual y recogimiento interior de este...
"The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius" is a collection of Christian meditations intended to guide one on a 28-30 day process of spiritual purification and connection with Jesus. This text, written by the great St. Ignatius of Loyola has been extensively practiced and studied...
This classic translation is now available in an new edition with a foreword by Kevin O'Brien, SJ, and an easier-to-read design. Search for the ASIN "0829451293" to find it
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius , one of the great masterpieces of the Christian canon, today continues to offer some of the most accessible and insightful guidance for going on retreat -- whether as a part of a group or by oneself. Based on the rich fruit of St. Ignatius'...
Tal como los define el propio San Ignacio de Loyola al comienzo del libro, los Ejercicios espirituales abarcan todo modo de examinar la conciencia, de meditar, de contemplar, de orar vocal y mental, y de otras espirituales operaciones. De...
Ejercicios espirituales. San Ignacio de Loyola
A classic Christian text from the founder of the Jesuit Order.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is the core work of religious formation for members of the Society of Jesus, the single largest religious order within the Roman Catholic Church...
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius remain an abiding source of inspiration and wisdom for Christians in the modern day who wish to be closer oriented to God and his Kingdom. Ignatius of Loyola was initially a Spanish page in service of a knight, who later became a knight...
El texto clasico de San Ignacio, fundador de los jesuitas, es presentado aqua- en el lenguaje moderno. Este libro tiene Como propasito el facilitar lalectura para todo aquel que desee acercarse a este texto Venerable del siglo XVI. La modernizacian del texto tiene Como propasito...
The Spiritual Journal of St. Ignatius Loyola: February, 1544 to 1545 is a book that contains a collection of personal writings from the founder of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius Loyola. The journal entries span over a year, from February 1544 to 1545, and offer a glimpse...
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is a timeless classic and one of the great masterpieces of the Christian canon. Even today it provides some of the most accessible guidance for going on a religious retreat. This practical guide for spiritual enlightenment has provided...