Explora la Filosofía Espiritual de Allan Kardec ¿Te intriga la filosofía espiritual y el misterio de la vida más allá de lo visible? Si es así, te invitamos a explorar las enseñanzas del visionario Allan Kardec, el hombre que revolucionó la comprensión del mundo espiritual. Allan...
Allan Kardec's supreme handbook about the world of the spirits and the movement of Spiritism is a valuable and insightful guide to existences beyond our corporeal realm. In the mid-19th century, Allan Kardec was a noted scholar working in Paris with qualifications in the medicine...
"The Spirits' Book" is the foundational work of Spiritism, a school of thought first established in France in the mid-nineteenth century by the French educator Allan Kardec. Currently, Spiritism includes over fifteen million adherents, the eleventh largest spiritual following...
'The Spirits Book' (1857), written by Allan Kardec, is widely regarded as the most important piece of writing in the 'Spiritist' canon. It is the first in a series of five books that Kardec wrote that are collectively known as the 'Spiritist Codification'. Although the other...
El Libro de los Esp ritus apareci por ver primera en abril de 1857. Este es el primer libro del conocido como Pentateuco kardequista. En su primera p gina se lee: Contiene: los principios de la doctrina esp rita. Sobre la inmortalidad del alma, la naturaleza de los esp ritus...