In the year 2053, humanity embarks on a bold mission to colonize Mars, with the United States leading the charge through the launch of the Star Explorer rocket. As the first Martian base is established, other nations-including the Russians, Germans, British, and Chinese-quickly follow, igniting fierce competition for control of the Red Planet.
Amid this new space race, the enigmatic Republic of Quasar rises as a dominant force, forging a powerful alliance with the Americans. Armed with cutting-edge technologies and the highly classified Project B.O.R.O.N., Quasar's influence grows rapidly, aiming not only for Mars but for universal expansion. Their ambitions shift the balance of power, thrusting humanity into uncharted territory.
As critical resources like Marsium are discovered, tensions escalate into all-out war, turning Mars into a battleground of interplanetary conflict. With political instability threatening Earth, ancient alien threats emerging from the shadows, and cosmic disasters looming, humanity's survival hangs by a thread.