Dear Magnificent You
You are about to receive the keys to a greater understanding of yourself and of life. Most
people see themselves as physical beings living in a physical reality In truth, we are spiritual
beings, Souls, that have entered into our physical body in order to actualize our spiritual essence
and to create a life that reflects our True Self. Through this process, we evolve and transform
the world. When you started on your new path, you acquired great Truths and Knowledge.
Since Experiencing the SHIFT and Manifesting Your Dreams, you have moved to a new level of
consciousness and are thinking, seeing, and being in a completely new way. What you once
thought impossible is your new reality.
You are now ready to move to another level, to Experience the Shift, again. The awareness gained as
you move forward on your new path will allow you to see your life and yourself from the higher
vantage point, perspective, of the Soul. This SHIFT will make it possible to connect more deeply and
consistently with the spiritual energies contained within yourself and all around you. Looking through
the Soul's Lens, an amazing reality will emerge and another transformation and SHIFT will occur.
I am excited to be here with you as you gain a greater understanding of who you truly are.
There is so much that awaits you on the next step of your journey. Know that you have the
strength, courage and love to embrace your exciting adventure
With Much Respect and Admiration
Bonnie Barness