In "The Soul Scar," Arthur B. Reeve crafts a gripping narrative that intertwines mystery, psychological depth, and ethical quandaries surrounding advances in science. The novel revolves around a groundbreaking discovery in the field of psychiatry, exploring themes of mental trauma...
"It's the most perplexing case I've been up against, Kennedy, for a long time." Doctor Leslie, now medical adviser to the district attorney, had dropped in at the laboratory, and, to tell the truth, I was glad of the interruption. For from a retort Kennedy was evolving an olfactory...
Sometimes called "the American Sherlock Holmes," Professor Craig Kennedy is a scientist detective based at Columbia University, where he applies his extensive knowledge of chemistry and psychology to the mysteries that come his way, and utilizes such cutting-edge devices as...
Sometimes called "the American Sherlock Holmes," Professor Craig Kennedy is a scientist detective based at Columbia University, where he applies his extensive knowledge of chemistry and psychology to the mysteries that come his way, and utilizes such cutting-edge devices as...
Sometimes called "the American Sherlock Holmes," Professor Craig Kennedy is a scientist detective based at Columbia University, where he applies his extensive knowledge of chemistry and psychology to the mysteries that come his way, and utilizes such cutting-edge devices as...