Juan Cabrillo Cordova Fernando is a gentle, loving son and a quiet wine merchant. That is, until he packs up his wares and leaves port, plundering passing ships and sending men to their deaths. Known far and wide for his black beard and twin blazing pistols, Juan leads a daring double-life as Blackbeard the Pirate!
Enamored with his adrenaline-filled days, Juan struggles to balance the responsibilities of his notoriety with his love for others, and soon, for his newborn twin sons.
When Juan's beloved, Carmen, dies in childbirth, Juan is left stranded to decide between those who need him, and what he needs for himself.
In this soulful adventure of love and loss, Juan's mother disguises the identity of Juan's youngest son, when in reality, she's a girl. Unaware, Juan struggles and falters in raising his family while keeping his dreams alive. And soon he will have to make a choice: protect his alternate identity or the ones he loves.