"By the time I got to know Paige Summer's reality, I had become one of his 31 known victims. A number of incidents happened in those years I lived with him, that were constant indicators that there was something seriously wrong about that person."
The Sociopath's Puppet tells the heart-wrenching memoir of Arianna's struggle when she finds herself stuck in a terrible relationship after leaving a 10-year alcoholic & abusive marriage. At first, Paige seemed to be the one person she had longed for, but as the situation unfolds, she realizes how she had been unwittingly trapped and entangled in his web. He, bit by bit, strips her of everything in her life. Not only does she learn that Paige was not who he portrayed himself to be, but also a diagnosed Sociopath and a serial criminal.
A cautionary narrative of manipulation, deception, physical abuse, theft, arrests, drugs, mental hospitals, guns and death.