The Socialist is a novel written by Guy Thorne in 1909. The story follows the life of a young man named John Clayton, who becomes a socialist after witnessing the harsh realities of working-class life in London. John becomes involved in socialist politics and eventually rises...
The Socialist is a novel written by Guy Thorne and published in 1909. The book tells the story of a young man named John Clayton who becomes a socialist after witnessing the harsh living conditions of the working class in London.John joins the socialist movement and becomes a...
" ...]the old Welsh stronghold, near Conway, known as Carleon, which had come to him from his mother's aunt, old Lady Carleon of Lys. In regard to his houses, there was, first and foremost, the great square pile in Piccadilly, which was almost as big as the Duke of Devonshire's...
" ...]the old Welsh stronghold, near Conway, known as Carleon, which had come to him from his mother's aunt, old Lady Carleon of Lys. In regard to his houses, there was, first and foremost, the great square pile in Piccadilly, which was almost as big as the Duke of Devonshire's...
There are as many social degrees in the peerage as there are in the middle and lower classes. There are barons who are greater noblemen than earls, viscounts who are welcomed in a society that some marquises can never hope to enter-it is a question not of wealth or celebrity,...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.