Embrace diversity with Dr. Seuss and the Sneetches in this collection of stories about acceptance The Sneetches got really quite smart on that day, The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches. And no kind of Sneetch is the best of the beaches. The story of the Star-bellied...
An iconic collection of original stories from Dr. Seuss that includes the official versions of "The Sneetches," "The Zax," "Too Many Daves," and "What Was I Scared Of?" This is a beloved classic that deserves a place in every child's library--from the bestselling author...
¡Celebra la diversidad con Dr. Seuss y los Sneetches en esta edición, en español y rimada, una de sus muchas historias acerca de la inclusión y de la tolerancia! La historia de los Sneetches Panza-Estrella y de sus amigos los Panza-Lisa es el faro que sirve de guía a los niños...
Dr. Seuss creates another timeless picture-book classic with The Sneetches and Other Stories. Are you a Star-Belly Sneetch or a Plain-Belly Sneetch? This delightful book contains four tales with deliciously subtle takes on how silly it is to be, well, silly. "The Sneetches,"...
An iconic collection of original stories from Dr. Seuss that includes the official versions of The Sneetches, The Zax, Too Many Daves, and What Was I Scared Of? This is a beloved classic that deserves a place in every child's library--from the bestselling author of Horton...