""The Sky Line of Spruce"" is a novel written by Edison Marshall. The story takes place in the Pacific Northwest during the early 1900s and follows the life of a young man named Jack Woods. Jack is a logger who works in the forests of Washington state, felling trees and floating...
""The Sky Line Of Spruce"" is a novel written by Edison Marshall. The story is set in the Pacific Northwest during the early 20th century and follows the life of a young man named David Carrigan. David is a surveyor who is sent to map out a new railroad line through the rugged...
Embark on a journey through the majestic forests of the Pacific Northwest in The Sky Line of Spruce. From logging camps to mountain meadows, this beautifully written novel captures the essence of the region and the people who call it home. This work has been selected...
Embark on a journey through the majestic forests of the Pacific Northwest in The Sky Line of Spruce. From logging camps to mountain meadows, this beautifully written novel captures the essence of the region and the people who call it home. This work has been selected...
The Sky Line of Spruce, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations...