Invited to protect an actress within the rose red walls of a fairy-tale castle, Detective Cordelia Gray finds the stage is set for death in this "richly intricate and literate" (San Francisco Chronicle) mystery from the New York Times bestselling author...
Combining the classic ingredients of a murder mystery with elements of horror, apparitions and hairbreadth episodes, "The Skull Beneath The Skin" creates a dark and claustrophobic atmosphere in a masterpiece of crime fiction. When leading actress Clarissa Lisle receives threats...
Combining the classic ingredients of a murder mystery with elements of horror, apparitions and hairbreadth episodes, "The Skull Beneath The Skin" creates a dark and claustrophobic atmosphere in a masterpiece of crime fiction. When leading actress Clarissa Lisle receives threats...
Combining the classic ingredients of a murder mystery with elements of horror, apparitions and hairbreadth episodes, "The Skull Beneath The Skin" creates a dark and claustrophobic atmosphere in a masterpiece of crime fiction. When leading actress Clarissa Lisle receives threats...
Combining the classic ingredients of a murder mystery with elements of horror, apparitions and hairbreadth episodes, "The Skull Beneath The Skin" creates a dark and claustrophobic atmosphere in a masterpiece of crime fiction. When leading actress Clarissa Lisle receives threats...