The Six Cushions is a novel written by Charlotte Mary Yonge and published in 1867. The story follows the lives of six cousins who are brought together by the death of their grandfather. Each of them inherits a cushion from their grandfather's estate, which becomes a symbol of...
The Six Cushions is a novel written by Charlotte Mary Yonge and first published in 1867. The story is set in the mid-19th century in rural England and revolves around the lives of two families, the Maynards and the Merrifields. The Maynards are a wealthy family who live in a...
Reprint of the original, first published in 1867.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1867.
This novel tells the story of six cushions, each with its own unique story and significance. Set in 19th century England, the novel explores themes of love, family, and societal expectations. Charlotte Mary Yonge's masterful prose and engaging storytelling will keep readers...
This novel tells the story of six cushions, each with its own unique story and significance. Set in 19th century England, the novel explores themes of love, family, and societal expectations. Charlotte Mary Yonge's masterful prose and engaging storytelling will keep readers...