The Sittaford Mystery is Dame Agatha at her most intriguing, as a s ance in a snowbound house predicts a particularly grisly murder. In a remote house in the middle of Dartmoor, six shadowy figures huddle around a table for a seance...
Sittaford House es una mansi n localizada en una peque a ciudadela de la campi a inglesa. Su due o, Joseph Trevelyan, la alquila durante el invierno a las se oras Willet, madre e hija, y l se muda a la ciudad m s pr xima. Alrededor de la mansi n existen seis casas menores, construidas...
M-U-R-D-E-R. It began as an innocent parlor game intended to while away the hours on a bitter winter night. But the message that appeared before the amateur occultists snowbound at the Sittaford House was spelled out as loud and clear as a scream. Of course, the notion that they...