In this stunning new novel of psychological suspense set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, a tormented young girl seems to be hiding some deep secret about a murder which she witnessed; but do the Singing Stones--ancient outcroppings of stone grouped together like old...
The beautiful blue mountains of Virginia, a woman returns home to care for a crippled father and the daughter of her ex-husband.
Despite her misgivings, child psychologist Lynn McLeod returns to Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains to help ten-year-old Jilly, her ex-husband Stephen's child. But what she finds at the secluded household are more questions. And the danger that threatens both Stephen and Jilly...
Despite her misgivings, child psychologist Lynn McLeod returns to Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains to help ten-year-old Jilly, her ex-husband Stephen's child. But what she finds at the secluded household are more questions. And the danger that threatens both Stephen and Jilly...