This is a wise and wonderful book. The descriptions are lovingly precise, and the whole novel is a moving elegy for Ishi, the last wild Indian in North America, and of his vanished people. If this book doesn't sometimes make you smile and also move you to tears, then you are in need of a heart transplant." Frank Wilson, Books Editor, The "Philadelphia Inquirer" newspaper, AP
This is an amazing book, a modern Adam and Eve story where the last survivor of a northern California Indian tribe must struggle with incest taboos even though he knows that he and his woman-cousin are the last hope for his people's survival. Ishi's point-of-view is vividly realized, both in his wilderness homeland and after he joins the wilds of civilization of 1914 San Francisco. This novel is a dramatic realization of...
Here at Thriftbooks, we spend a lot of time thinking about the kinds of books our customers will enjoy. During the holidays, that extends to the books our customers would most like to give (and receive) as gifts. Our newest poll looks at book gifting trends. Here are some of the compelling stories we unwrapped.
Goodreads is a social cataloging website and community for readers and authors to find, share, and discuss books. They recently published a list of the top 60 titles from the last five years, using both the numbers of readers and reader ratings to determine their picks. Here are some of the highlights.
No matter how long our TBR list gets, we're always finding new titles we want to add! Here are 23 exciting January releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Here at Thriftbooks, many of us identify as book lovers. But, obviously, we don’t love all books equally. In fact, most of us gravitate toward a favorite genre or two. Does what you read say something about who you are? Read on to see what your favorite genre might reveal about you.
Hardback books can be, well, hard on the back when lugging them from place to place. So, for your summer reading lists, we decided to focus on the best new releases in paperback to throw into your beach bags or carry-ons. And—lucky us!—there sure are a lot of great options!