Okay, it's dated, it's a bit old, cutting edge back in the day, but still relevant. I wouldn't part with this slim volume for anything. It doesn't tell you how to do anything, only explains in a few words maybe, the idea behind the concept. Or the concept behind the idea. As it says, it's a resource, eye candy for us visual design types, from long gone days when Rockport was starting out with graphic design books.
My digital photographer instructor loaned me this book. This was my first semester in this field and this book convinced me to add another field to my career. There is not much help on how the pages were done, but anyone with an illustrator or publishing program can duplicate like results. The examples are diverse and inspiring, even for a beginning graphic artist. Since ordering the book, I have taken two more classes in...
This book has many of them. I found it to be much more helpful to me than Rockport's book on Creativity.Many, many ideas that can easily be worked into your designs to make them stronger. Also a sense of humor and cleverness are displayed in several of the projects. There are some cool bindery things here, you just never thought of doing, before now.And you don't have to have a huge design budget to produce some of these...