When the Hardy Boys eagerly agree to assist their friend Jack Dodd and his father in locating a family treasure, the two young detectives are unaware of the baffling complications that will arise. Deadly road traps, aerial ambush, a spider man and a suspect who carries a menacing...
When the Hardy Boys eagerly agree to assist their friend Jack Dodd and his father in locating a family treasure, the two young detectives are unaware of the baffling complications that will arise. Deadly road traps, aerial ambush, a spider man and a suspect who carries a menacing...
The Hardy boys agree to help a friend and his father find a family treasure. When the friends disappear, the sleuths find themselves faced with two mysteries.
This is the original 1928 story of The Shore Road Mystery: The Hardy Boys book 6. The book has undergone one major revision since originally published in 1928, resulting in two different stories bearing the same title. Car thieves are busy in Bayport, the home of Frank...
The Hardy boys agree to help a friend and his father find a family treasure. When the friends disappear, the sleuths find themselves faced with two mysteries.
This is the original 1928 story of The Shore Road Mystery: The Hardy Boys book 6. The book has undergone one major revision since originally published in 1928, resulting in two different stories bearing the same title. Car thieves are busy in Bayport, the home of Frank...
Embark on a thrilling journey with the Hardy Boys as they unravel the enigma shrouding The Shore Road Mystery. Nestled within the quaint coastal town of Bayport, danger lurks beneath the serene waves and picturesque vistas. When an eerie disappearance rocks...
Embark on a thrilling journey with the Hardy Boys as they unravel the enigma shrouding The Shore Road Mystery. Nestled within the quaint coastal town of Bayport, danger lurks beneath the serene waves and picturesque vistas. When an eerie disappearance rocks the community,...