The Shiny New Truck: In My Neighborhood: Dealing with Stealing is the first book in the In My Neighborhood Series. This book introduces us to Randy and his desire for a toy he sees when shopping with his mother. The Shiny New Truck encourages readers to understand the importance of controlling our desires. Great book for a child to read or have read to them. At the end of the book are questions for the parent to help their child ren] understand the story.
The neighborhood books focus on children from five prominent families and how they handle different life situations. In this story, Randy helps the reader learn a valuable lesson about stealing. Randy shows the reader how to change even wrong decisions to make them turn out better. Randy, along with the help from his friends, learns valuable lessons from the word of God.
The Shiny New Truck highlights the Christian values we want to see in our children when making difficult choices. Helping our children make moral choices encourages them to think about the outcomes of their actions. Randy had to make some choices, which helped him build his self-esteem as he learned how to do what was right.